Join us for a webinar and Q&A about the links of provincial policy, IDs, and gender affirming care to trans and non-binary youth health
How is access to gender-congruent ID related to mental health outcomes? Does having a primary care provider increase access to gender affirming care and does this access change depending on the level of comfort towards the primary care provide? What is the link between Canadian provincial health services policy and access to gender affirming care? Join us for a webinar on February 2nd where we discuss the research behind these questions.
Statement for Black Shirt Day
Today our team is wearing black in solidarity with Black Shirt Day, a day “in recognition of the struggle for civil rights fought by Black and racialized Canadians.” We support the Anti-Racism Coalition of Vancouver’s petition to name January 15 as Black Shirt Day.
The link between LGBTQ-supportive communities, progressive political climate, and suicidality among sexual minority adolescents in Canada
Despite supportive structural changes to reduce stigma towards lesbian, gay, and bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) Canadian residents, sexual minority youth still face disparities compared to heterosexual peers. We aimed to characterize LGBTQ-supportive environments and political climates, and examine their links to suicidal behavior among sexual minority adolescents in western Canada.
ÊTRE EN SÉCURITÉ, ÊTRE SOI-MÊME 2019 : Résultats de l’enquête canadienne sur la santé des jeunes trans
En 2014, et cinq ans plus tard, en 2019, les jeunes trans ou non-binaires de partout au Canada ont fait part de leurs expériences par l’entremise du Canadian Trans and Non-Binary Youth Health Survey (enquête canadienne sur la santé des jeunes trans et non-binaires). Menée par des chercheur·e·s issus d’universités et d’organismes communautaires du Canada, l’enquête comprenait des questions sur un vaste éventail d’expériences sociales et liées à la santé, ainsi que sur les facteurs de risque et de protection.
Romantic Attraction and Substance Use in 15-Year-Old Adolescents from Eight European Countries
Abstract Purpose Sexual minority youth are at higher risk of substance use than heterosexual youth. However, most evidence in this area is from North America, and it is unclear whether the findings can be generalized to other cultures and countries. Methods In this investigation, we used data from the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children […]
“The edge of harm and help”: ethical considerations in the care of transgender youth with complex family situations
Health-care providers frequently face clinical ethical dilemmas when working with transgender youth who require hormone therapy but lack parental support for this intervention. Through semi-structured interviews and grounded theory analysis, we explored ethical and clinical decision-making processes of health-care providers, as well as the health care experiences of trans youth with family discordance.