LGBTQ+ Students in Alberta: 12 Evidence-Based Facts
This fact sheet presents research findings about 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and their cisgender and heterosexual peers in Alberta, Canada, and beyond.
LGBTQ+ Students in British Columbia: 12 Evidence-Based Facts
This fact sheet presents research findings about 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and their cisgender and heterosexual peers in British Columbia, Canada, and beyond.
Dr. Santa Ono visits SARAVYC
We were very pleased to introduce our wonderful team to the gracious President of UBC, Dr. Santa Ono during his visit to our Centre!
SARAVYC receives a 2018 Reach Award!
We are very pleased to announce that SARAVYC has received a 2018 Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research/BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Reach award! This highly competitive program provides funding to support the dissemination of evidence to inform and improve further research, practice and policy-making activities. SARAVYC will use this funding to collaborate with Options for […]
Ten-Year Trends in Physical Dating Violence Victimization Among Adolescent Boys and Girls in British Columbia, Canada
Abstract Physical dating violence (PDV) victimization among adolescents is a serious global problem. Although knowledge of trends in PDV victimization can help guide programming and health policies, little research has examined whether the prevalence of PDV victimization has increased, decreased, or remained stable over time among non-U.S.-based samples of youth. In addition, few studies have […]
Come Along With Me: Linking LGBTQ Youth To Supportive Resources
Abstract In this study, we examine how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth, who tend to experience greater feelings of isolation and discrimination than heterosexual youth, find and become integrated into supportive activities and resources. As part of a larger study on supportive lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth environments, 66 go-along […]
Trend Disparities in Emotional Distress and Suicidality Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Minnesota Adolescents From 1998 to 2010
Abstract Background: Sexual minority young people have demonstrated higher rates of emotional distress and suicidality in comparison to heterosexual peers. Research to date has not examined trends in these disparities, specifically, whether there have been disparity reductions or increases and how outcomes have differed over time by sex and sexual orientation group. Methods: Minnesota Student […]
Guys And Grief: Young Mens’ Responses To Accidental Death Of a Peer
Young men are at higher risk of injury and death than young women, and certain groups of young men are at higher risk that other young men. Within these high risk groups, little was known about how they react to the death of a friend, as well as how this event may or may […]