Report Launch: Representative for Children and Youth release The Right to Thrive: An Urgent Call to Recognize, Respect and Nurture Two Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary and other Gender Diverse Children and Youth
In Representative Charlesworth’s own words, “Let’s be clear: young people have the right to be who they are and to thrive…The hate speech and anti-trans legislative efforts we have seen recently in Canada and the United States is alarming and is causing great harm.
The Right to Thrive: An Urgent Call to Recognize, Respect and Nurture Two Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary and other Gender Diverse Children and Youth from the Representative for Children and Youth
In Representative Charlesworth’s own words, “Let’s be clear: young people have the right to be who they are and to thrive…The hate speech and anti-trans legislative efforts we have seen recently in Canada and the United States is alarming and is causing great harm.
Not Yet Equal (the Sequel): Results of the BC Adolescent Health Survey
Not Yet Equal (the Sequel): Results of the BC Adolescent Health Survey provides a profile of the health LGBTQ youth in British Columbia (BC). The report is a collaboration between researchers at SARAVYC and the McCreary Centre Society and uses data from the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey (BC AHS), which is one of the […]
Role models and well-being among trans and non-binary youth
Abstract Background It is important for young people to see themselves represented in stories, on television and in different job opportunities, so they can have an awareness of what is possible. While we often hear the words “representation matters,” research on how representation affects health outcomes of trans and non-binary (TNB) youth is lacking. In […]
Identifying trans and non-binary youth in population-based school health surveys in Western Canada
Abstract Background Most research about gender-diverse adolescents is with clinical samples, skewing population estimates of health and risk. With trans youth estimated at around 0.5% of the population and no reliable measures, school health surveys have not asked gender diversity items. In 2018, the British Columbia Adolescent Health Survey (BCAHS) in Canada trialled measures to […]
Trans and non-binary youth rights are human rights
International Transgender Day of Visibility is a day to celebrate trans folks and raise awareness about the discrimination and violence that targets them. On Transgender Day of Remembrance, we shared some of the challenges trans and non-binary youth are faced with. Today, we’d like to share some of the ways that trans and non-binary youth feel supported.
Join us for a webinar and Q&A about the links of provincial policy, IDs, and gender affirming care to trans and non-binary youth health
How is access to gender-congruent ID related to mental health outcomes? Does having a primary care provider increase access to gender affirming care and does this access change depending on the level of comfort towards the primary care provide? What is the link between Canadian provincial health services policy and access to gender affirming care? Join us for a webinar on February 2nd where we discuss the research behind these questions.
Just Launched: Being Safe, Being Me 2019 Resources
English: Our team has just launched a suite of resources that feature findings from the Canadian Trans and Non-binary Youth Health Survey. These resources are available in English and French. Français: Notre équipe vient de lancer une série de ressources qui présentent les conclusions de l’Enquête canadienne sur la santé des jeunes trans et non-binaires. Ces ressources sont disponibles en anglais et en français.