The partnership between St. Paul’s Hospital Inner City Youth Mental Health Program (ICYMHP), Covenant House Vancouver (CHV), Coast Mental Health (CMH) and BC Housing (a subsidiary of the Ministry of Social Development) has led to the provision of housing and psychiatric services for at-risk, street involved youth (17-24) in Vancouver’s downtown core. The partnership’s delivery model was not only unique in its scope and breadth of service but also in the degree of integration between non traditional partners, respectively a hospital, a homeless shelter, a mental health housing organization and a housing corporation. Identifying and understanding the key elements of the transformational changes leading to this successful partnership were at the heart of this project.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc and Dr. Steve Matthias
Co-Investigators: Rob Rivers, Claire Pitcher, and Bea Miller
Funded by HRSDC Homelessness Prevention Program under the grant, “Transformational change in 4 organizations partnered to address youth homelessness”, 2013-14