Assessing exploitation experiences of adolescent girls and boys seen at a Child Advocacy Center
Abstract The primary aim of this study was to describe the abuse experiences of sexually exploited runaway adolescents seen at a Child Advocacy Center (N = 62). We also sought to identify risk behaviors, attributes of resiliency, laboratory results for sexually transmitted infection (STI) screens, and genital injuries from colposcopic exams. We used retrospective mixed-methods with in-depth […]
How many is too many for BC youth? Alcohol use and associated harms
Although the legal drinking age in British Columbia is 19 years, many youth begin to experiment with alcohol before this age. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption by youth under the age of 19 is associated with an increased likelihood of involvement in health risks, such as a vehicle crash or a sexual or physical […]
We all have a role: Building social capital among youth in care
Research has shown the value of social capital in relation to an individual’s health, happiness, and improved life expectancy, as well as the benefits to a community of having social networks that can come together to support the community and make positive change happen. Using data from the 2013 BC Adolescent Health Survey which was […]
Sexual Health of Youth in BC
Adolescence is an important time in sexual development. It includes physical changes of puberty as well as changes in emotions and cognitive abilities. During this time, most youth develop romantic and sexual attractions, begin to understand their sexuality, and some enter their first romantic relationships. Some young people will also have sexual relationships. Legally the […]
Relationships between sports team participation and health-risk behaviors among alternative high school students
Abstract Background: Evidence suggests that sports team participation differentially relates to health-risk behaviors. Few studies have explored relationships among high-risk youth. Purpose: To examine associations between weekly sports team participation and health-risk behaviors (substance use, sexual risk-taking, violence involvement) among alternative high school (AHS) students. Methods: Data for this repeated cross-sectional analysis came from the […]
Multiple perpetrator rape among girls evaluated at a hospital-based Child Advocacy Center: Seven years of reviewed cases
Abstract The aim of this study was to describe contextual events, abuse experiences, and disclosure processes of adolescents who presented to a hospital-based Child Advocacy Center for medical evaluation and evidentiary collection as indicated after experiencing multiple perpetrator rape during a single event (n = 32) and to compare these findings to a group of […]
Mediation by peer violence victimization of sexual orientation disparities in cancer-related tobacco, alcohol, and sexual risk behaviors: Pooled Youth Risk Behavior Surveys
Abstract Objectives: We examined the role of adolescent peer violence victimization (PVV) in sexual orientation disparities in cancer-related tobacco, alcohol, and sexual risk behaviors. Methods: We pooled data from the 2005 and 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. We classified youths with any same-sex sexual attraction, partners, or identity as sexual minority and the remainder as heterosexual. We […]