Promoting cardiovascular nursing practice and research: A model for a university joint appointment
Abstract Background: University joint appointments promote continuity of academic leadership and the acceleration of nurses’ impact on improved outcomes and health service delivery. The role of university-appointed and hospital-located nurse scientists is of growing interest in the academic and clinical settings, and within the nursing profession. There is a pressing need to describe and study models […]
Romantic love and involvement in bullying and cyberbullying in 15-year-old adolescents from eight European countries and regions
Abstract Sexual minority youth are at greater risk for bullying victimization than their heterosexual peers but data on perpetration and cybervictimization is limited. Using representative data from seven European countries and one region (N = 14,545), this study compared traditional bullying victimization and perpetration, and cyberbullying victimization among 15-year-old adolescents who reported ever being in love with […]
First time sexual experiences of sexual minority adolescent girls in the United States
Abstract Cisgender sexual minority girls report an earlier average age at first sex than cisgender heterosexual girls, but little is known about these first experiences with sex. As part of a larger study to develop a sexual health intervention for cisgender sexual minority girls, this analysis explored the context of first sexual experiences of 48 […]