Research shows that although lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth have poorer mental and physical health outcomes compared to their heterosexual peers, school-connectedness and supportive and caring relationships with their families have a positive impact on their health. However, little is known about how health outcomes differ for LGB youth of various ethnocultural backgrounds, or how sexual orientation might affect relationships between parents and children from different ethnocultural groups. To address this gap, we will be analyzing data from the BC Adolescent Health Survey to: (1) identify differences in health outcomes and trends between heterosexual and LGB youth from Indigenous, East Asian, and South Asian ethnocultural backgrounds; and (2) document the roles of families and schools in health outcomes within these groups.
Advisory committees (composed of youth, family members, health professionals, teachers, counselors and other community members) are being recruited for each of the ethnocultural groups. These committees will inform our study’s analyses, as well as the resulting knowledge translation materials and activities (e.g., pamphlets, presentations, infographics). Findings will be shared in academic journal articles and community reports, and will inform future culturally-respectful health promotion activities for LGB youth from diverse ethnocultural backgrounds.
This project is the Core of our 7 year Canadian Institutes of Health Foundation Grant, “Improving health equity for LGBTQ youth in Canada and globally: Addressing the role of families and culture”.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc
Co-Investigators: Dr. Terryann Clark, Dr. Hélène Frohard-Dourlent, Emmanuelle Godeau, Lorraine Grieves, Dr. András Költő, Dr. Jennifer Kryworuchko, Dr. Sheila Marshall, Dan Metzger, Dr. Colleen Poon, Dr. Stephen Russell, Dr. Hilary Rose, Annie Smith, Dr. Jaimie Veale, Dr. Jennifer Wolowic, Dr. Michele Ybarra
Funded by: CIHR (Foundation Scheme) under the grant, “Improving health equity for LGBTQ youth in Canada and globally: Addressing the role of families and culture”, 2017-2024